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The Prehospital Emergency Care Podcast
The National Association of EMS Physician's Prehospital Emergency Care Journal Podcast where we have fun and engaging discussion with authors of the most up to date prehospital research. Listen, Learn it, Love it, and talk to us at!

Mar 11, 2020

It's that time of year when the PEC Podcast team does some spring cleaning!  For the past three month's we've highlighted other podcasts and featured our podcast collaboration  (Thanks @JeffJarvis @Ritu Sahni @ Mike Verkest @DECAL crew!)

Well, it's time to get back to our regularly scheduled program and catch up!  We bring you our PEC Podcast Volume 23 Number 6!  In this podcast, we highlight all manuscripts ranging from EBM and Narcan to cervical spine inertia.  So download and check it out today!

Click here to download today!

As always THANK YOU for listening!

Hawnwan Philip Moy MD (@pecpodcast)

Scott Goldberg MD, MPH (@EMS_Boston)

Jeremiah Escajeda MD, MPH (@jerescajeda)

Joelle Donofrio-Odmann DO (@PEMems)