May 24, 2018
Happy EMS Week Day 4:
Save a life day!
For save a life day, we talk about one of the simplest yet most effective tools to an emergent situation...TOURNIQUETS!!!
Our very own Dr. Scott Goldberg (@EMS_Boston)
delves into our archives and discusses one of the PEC Journal's Life Long Learning...
May 23, 2018
Happy EMS Week for Kids!!! Today, on day 3 of EMS Week, we celebrate Pediatric EMS! Our very own triple boarded Peds, Peds EM, EMS Dr. Joelle Donofrio (@PEMEMS) celebrates today by touring the United States and interviewing fellow triple boarded Peds EMS physicians about why their thankful for you, our EMS...
May 22, 2018
Happy EMS Week-Safety TUESDAY!!!
Today, we are pulling one of our favorite episodes from our archives because this safety issue is a furtive issue that affects not only our patients, but YOU our prehospital providers.
We present to you,
Evidence-Based Guidelines for Fatigue Risk Management in Emergency Medical...
May 21, 2018
Happy EMS Week!
To all of our listeners, Happy EMS Week from the PEC Podcast Team and NAEMSP.
For day one, a focus on EMS education, PEC podcast team member, and NAEMSP Education Committee Chair,
Jeremiah Escajeda (@jerescajeda) discusses all things EMS education with fellow podcaster...
May 18, 2018
Hello PEC Podcast listeners!
If you haven't had allergies yet, you're lucky!
While trying to avoid these allergens, check out our all-new PEC Podcast!
While covering all the manuscripts, we highlight the following articles:
Scene Safety and Force Protection in the Era of Ultra-Potent...