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The Prehospital Emergency Care Podcast
The National Association of EMS Physician's Prehospital Emergency Care Journal Podcast where we have fun and engaging discussion with authors of the most up to date prehospital research. Listen, Learn it, Love it, and talk to us at!

Nov 24, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving!!!


To celebrate turkey day we continue with our PEC NAEMSP Preconference SPECIAL Podcast.  


This podcast will feature the all popular Cadaver Lab and Airway Lab Preconferences.  Every year NAEMSP members reinforce their critical care procedural skills which range from cricothyrotomy to difficult...

Nov 9, 2018

PEC Podcast NAEMSP Conference Edition

The PEC podcast team is taking a break from our regularly scheduled program to highlight the National Association of EMS Physician’s Quality and Performance Improvement preconference.  As you all know, the National Association of EMS Physician’s Annual Conference is coming up in...