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The Prehospital Emergency Care Podcast
The National Association of EMS Physician's Prehospital Emergency Care Journal Podcast where we have fun and engaging discussion with authors of the most up to date prehospital research. Listen, Learn it, Love it, and talk to us at!

Sep 26, 2016


The weather is getting cooler,

the leaves are changing...and yes...

Fall is here!


To celebrate we have an awesome episode for you!  

The PEC Podcast gang have an engaging conversation

from NAEMSP's Guidance document of TXA to utilization

of airway tools like King LT airway to how to resuscitate

a cardiac arrest patient wearing football pads.  


Right click here to download now!


Highlights from this episode include: 

1) An engaging interview with Dr. Michael Levine and

his manuscript,"Assessing the Risk of Prehospital

Administration of Naloxone with Subsequent Refusal of Care" 

With commentary by Dr. Michael Dailey and Dr. Scott Weiner

on the growing Narcotic epidemic in America. 


This manuscript will also be the FIRST manuscript reviewed

by the NAEMSP Twitter Journal Club on Sept. 30th from 3-4pm EST.  

Please go to to participate with

the hashtag NAEMSPJC.  

2) An in depth interview with Dr. Dezman and his team

on their manuscript "Computer Modeling using Prehospital

Vitals Predicts Transfusion and Mortality."   

We hope you enjoyed this amazing small batch

episode of PEC podcast.  Please like us and leave a comment

on itunes or your podcasting app today!

Stay tuned for our next

episode coming out next month.  Thanks for listening! 

The PEC Podcast Team,

Hawnwan Moy MD Scott Goldberg MD

Jeremiah Escajeda MD

Joelle Donofrio DO