Oct 30, 2018
NAEMSP and the PEC Podcast extend our most heartfelt sympathies to the city of Pittsburgh. We join the nation in mourning for the lives lost at the Tree of Life Synagogue. We share the sentiments of our NAEMSP President Dr. Brent Myers here. We are stronger than hate, we will not forget, and we are here for you.
And now back to our show:
HAPPY Halloween!
Have you ever ran a call that just didn't feel right? Have you evaluated a patient in a dark room and had a feeling that something just was off? Is it the patient? Is it the room? Or is it all in your head. Whatever it is, you can't ignore the chills going down your spine.
The PEC Podcast team explores experiences like these with our Halloween special: Creepy EMS Stories. Download now and listen in the dark ...IF YOU DARE! Happy Halloween!
Click here to listen now! We dare you!
We hope you enjoy this podcast and THANK YOU For listening!
Hawnwan Philip Moy MD (@pecpodcast)
Scott Goldberg MD, MPH (@EMS_Boston)
Jeremiah Escajeda MD, MPH (@jerescajeda)
Joelle Donofrio DO (@PEMems)