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The Prehospital Emergency Care Podcast
The National Association of EMS Physician's Prehospital Emergency Care Journal Podcast where we have fun and engaging discussion with authors of the most up to date prehospital research. Listen, Learn it, Love it, and talk to us at!

Oct 31, 2016


Hello podcast listeners and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

In the spirit of ghosts, ghouls and zombies, we present to you a very special small batch episode of the PEC Podcast.  In this episode we sit down with former NAEMSP Presidents at the Dead President's Society Dinner (Get it?!?) to discuss a unique historical narrative about NAEMSP's past, present, and hopes for the future.   

Click here to download now.

Dead President's interviewed in this podcast are:

Dr. Paul Pepe, Dead President: 1987-1989


Dr. Raymond Fowler, Dead President: 1992-1993

Dr. Robert Swor, Dead President: 1996-1997

Dr. Jon R. Krohmer, Dead President: 1998-2000

Dr. Richard C. Hunt, Dead President: 2001-2002

Dr. Robert Bass, Dead President: 2003-2004

Dr. Ted Delbridge, Dead President: 2009-2010

Dr. Ron Pirrallo, Dead President: 2011-2012

Dr. Ritu Sahni, Dead President: 2013-2014.


We hope you enjoy this awesome Halloween special and please remember to rank us on iTunes or your podcast app.  Happy Halloween everyone and remember to be safe!


Stay tuned for our next

episode coming out next month.  Thanks for listening! 

Trick or Treat everyone!

Hawnwan Moy MD Scott Goldberg MD

Jeremiah Escajeda MD

Joelle Donofrio DO