Jan 14, 2016
Hello fellow NAEMSP Attendees!
San Diego is as beautiful as ever and the LAST DAY of NAEMSP PRECONFERENCE has finished.
We've set up a fantastic line up for this podcast from Mobile Integrated Healthcare (with Dr. Kevin
Munjal) to a preview of the presentation of the keynote speaker (Rebecca
Bender) for day 1 for NAEMSP.
Special thanks to our interviewees-Dr. Andrew McCoy, Dr. Kevin Munjal, Dr. Paul Rostykus, and
Rebecca Bender.
We hope you enjoy the Episode X: Precon Day 3 podcast.
Thank you for listening and as always stay safe everyone!
Phil Moy MD, Scott Goldberg MD, Jeremiah Escajeda MD, Joelle Donofrio DO.
P.S. If you want to get in touch with us contact us on twitter @pecpodcast or email us at pecpodcast@gmail.com.