Jan 18, 2016
This is it...THE LAST DAY OF NAEMSP CONFERENCE 2016!!! It was an ambitious project taken by the PEC Podcast team, but...
Special awesome thanks to the PEC Podcast team:
Dr. Scott Goldberg, Dr. Jeremiah Escajeda, and Dr. Joelle Donofrio.
Without their help, this special NAEMSP Conference podcast could
not have been completed. Thank you so very much from the
bottom of the PEC podcast's heart.
Also check out this SICK WEBSITE (Dr. Escajeda's words :P)
about the conference summary:
We hope you enjoy the NAEMSP Day 3 Recap podcast.
Thank you for listening and as always stay safe everyone!
Phil Moy MD, Scott Goldberg MD, Jeremiah Escajeda MD, Joelle Donofrio DO.
P.S. If you want to get in touch with us contact us on twitter
@pecpodcast or email us at pecpodcast@gmail.com.